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Shipping Policy

The Shipping Policy is an important provision related to shipping information when the Buyer places an order, containing details about the shipping method, costs, shipping time, and other related matters.


  1. Unless the Buyer selects payment via COD, the Order will be processed and shipped immediately after full payment is received. (Sabda Literasi Palu) will notify the Buyer via email with information regarding the shipping status, tracking number, shipping date, and the estimated time of arrival at the destination.
  2. The Order will be shipped to the address listed on the Order Form. (Sabda Literasi Palu) is not responsible for address errors made by the Buyer. If the Buyer finds an address error on the Order Form, the Buyer can immediately contact the Online Store through:
  3. Shipping will be carried out by the shipping service provider selected by the Buyer in the Order Form.
  4. Shipping costs may vary depending on the weight of the Product and the distance/region of delivery. The shipping costs are fully borne by the Buyer.
  5. The shipping duration will be as indicated in the Order Form when the Buyer selects the shipping service provider. (Sabda Literasi Palu) does not guarantee or take responsibility for delays caused by the shipping service provider. Compensation for delays or loss is entirely subject to the terms and conditions of the shipping service provider.
  6. For COD shipments, if after 3 (three) consecutive attempts, the shipping agent arrives at the destination address and no one is present to receive the Order and make the payment, the Order will be considered canceled.

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