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Refund Policy

The Refund Policy is a provision regarding the return of money or goods by the Seller to the Buyer.

Seller to Buyer

Regarding the request for product returns or exchanges, and/or payment refunds, the Buyer is requested to contact us through:

The Buyer may request a return or exchange of the product and/or refund only under the following circumstances:

  • Sabda Literasi Palu does not deliver the product within a reasonable timeframe;
  • The product received by the Buyer is defective and/or damaged; and
  • The product shipped does not match or is different from the description.

Return or exchange requests and/or refunds can be submitted within 7 (seven) days after the product is received by the Buyer, under the following conditions:

  • The product has not been used or consumed;
  • The product's label, packaging, and/or seal is undamaged; and
  • The product must be in the same condition as when it was first received.

The following types of products cannot be returned or exchanged or refunded by the Buyer to Sabda Literasi Palu:

  • All digital products;
  • All products that must be collected by the customer at a specific location; and
  • All perishable or easily damaged products (such as ice cream, chocolate, camphor, etc.).

The required documents and supporting evidence that must be provided by the Buyer when submitting a return or exchange request and/or refund include:

  • A valid ID document of the Buyer;
  • Transaction details of the product;
  • A video showing the unboxing of the product;
  • The chronology and background of the return or exchange request and/or refund request.

The Buyer cannot request a return or exchange or refund based on a change of mind regarding the product.

Sabda Literasi Palu will respond to the return or exchange request and/or refund request within 14 (fourteen) days after receiving the documents and supporting evidence as described in point 5 above.

Sabda Literasi Palu may review each return or exchange request and/or refund request based on the condition and, at its discretion, determine whether the request can be processed or not.

The Buyer must send the product to Sabda Literasi Palu within 3 (three) days after Sabda Literasi Palu agrees to process the return or exchange request and/or refund to the Buyer.

The Buyer must ensure that the product requested for return or exchange and/or refund is in the same condition as when it was received and properly packaged.

The cost of return shipping is subject to agreement between Sabda Literasi Palu and the Buyer.

Sabda Literasi Palu requires 14 (fourteen) working days after receiving the product from the Buyer to process the return or exchange. The processing time for shipping the return or exchange may vary depending on the return method selected, location, shipping date, and courier speed.

If a replacement product is unavailable, Sabda Literasi Palu will refund the amount of the order.

Sabda Literasi Palu will process the refund within 14 (fourteen) days after receiving the product from the Buyer via a bank transfer to the account designated by the Buyer.

The refund does not include shipping costs for the product.

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