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Terms of Service

These Terms and Conditions establish the general terms governing the purchase of Products on the Sabda Literasi Palu website (hereinafter referred to as “Terms and Conditions”).

Buyers are required to read and agree to the contents of these Terms and Conditions before making any purchase transactions at Sabda Literasi Palu. If the Buyer does not agree with the contents of these Terms and Conditions, it is strongly recommended not to proceed with any purchase transactions at Sabda Literasi Palu.

By making a purchase transaction at Sabda Literasi Palu, the Buyer agrees to the Terms and Conditions and agrees to be bound by and adhere to the Agreement with the Online Store and the Terms and Conditions.

A. Definitions

  1. Sabda Literasi Palu” refers to an individual business/CV/limited company operating under the trade name Sabda Literasi Palu.
  2. Sabda Literasi Palu website” is where Sabda Literasi Palu displays Products and Prices for sale to Buyers.
  3. “Product” refers to the items sold on Sabda Literasi Palu as listed in the product catalog on the Sabda Literasi Palu website.
  4. “Price” refers to the price in Rupiah for each Product sold on Sabda Literasi Palu.
  5. “Agreement” refers to the agreement between the Buyer and Sabda Literasi Palu regarding the Product and Price that occurs when the Buyer agrees to purchase the Product by submitting the Order Form and Sabda Literasi Palu sends a confirmation that the Order has been received. In the Agreement, the Buyer is obligated to pay the Price, and the Online Store is obligated to send the Product.
  6. “Order Form” refers to the form that the Buyer must complete to order the purchased Product, which contains details such as the Buyer’s Name, Address, Phone Number, Product (including quantity, color, and type), Payment Method, and Shipping Method, which is automatically generated by the system for the Buyer before completing the purchase.
  7. “Order” refers to the Product that the Buyer intends to purchase, including the quantity, color, type, and Price.

B. Products and Prices

  1. The Products and the information or descriptions of the Products (including but not limited to color, quality, function, and others) displayed on the Sabda Literasi Palu website are accurate, true, and reflect the actual conditions. Color differences may occur depending on the Buyer’s computer/tablet/phone monitor.
  2. The Buyer acknowledges that the actual color of the Product as seen on the Sabda Literasi Palu website may vary depending on the Buyer’s computer/tablet/phone monitor. Sabda Literasi Palu has made its best efforts to ensure that the colors in the photos displayed on the Sabda Literasi Palu website appear as accurately as possible, but cannot guarantee that the color display on the website will be entirely accurate.
  3. The price displayed on the Sabda Literasi Palu website is accurate and applicable at the time the price is listed. Prices may change at any time, but such changes will not affect Orders that have been confirmed by Sabda Literasi Palu. The Buyer will only pay the price listed on the Order Form that has been confirmed.
  4. Sabda Literasi Palu is responsible for the availability of all Products displayed on the Sabda Literasi Palu website. If a Product is out of stock or unavailable, Sabda Literasi Palu will indicate that the Product is out of stock or unavailable.
  5. Regarding availability, Product stock may change at any time, and in the case of out-of-stock Products, Sabda Literasi Palu has the right to refuse the Buyer’s Order, and any payment for the Product will be refunded to the Buyer.
  6. The Buyer must read, understand, and agree to the full information/description of the Product (including but not limited to color, quality, function, and others) and the Price before making an offer or commitment to purchase by filling out the Order Form.

C. Ordering Process

  1. The Buyer is deemed to have understood, acknowledged, accepted, and agreed to the Product and Price, as well as the description and condition of the Product as it is, when the Buyer submits the Order Form to the Seller.
  2. Sabda Literasi Palu will send a notification of Order receipt to the Buyer, stating that the Order has been received, providing an Order summary, and giving payment instructions for the Buyer to follow.
  3. If the Buyer finds an error in the Order Form data, the Buyer can immediately contact the Online Store via the chat feature or the phone number provided on the website.
  4. The Buyer and Sabda Literasi Palu are legally bound by the Agreement when Sabda Literasi Palu sends the notification of Order receipt.
  5. Unless the Buyer chooses the Cash On Delivery (COD) payment method, the payment must be completed within the time frame specified during the purchase. If no payment is made after this period, the Order will automatically be canceled. For COD delivery, the Order will be shipped after Sabda Literasi Palu notifies the Buyer that the Order is being processed.
  6. After the Buyer makes the payment and the payment confirmation is received by Sabda Literasi Palu, Sabda Literasi Palu will send a notification to the Buyer that the Order will be processed shortly.
  7. Sabda Literasi Palu will send a notification to the Buyer when the Order is shipped and is in the delivery process until the Order arrives at its destination.
  8. The delivery area coverage depends on the availability of couriers, which can be checked on the website.

D. Payment

  1. Payment is made by the Buyer in Rupiah (IDR).
  2. Payment for the Order can be made through credit card; debit card; bank transfer; e-banking; mobile banking; OVO; ShopeePay; payment at AlfaMart; or Cash On Delivery (COD).
  3. For each payment method, the Buyer will be charged an administrative fee as follows:
    • Credit Card/Debit Card: 2.9% of Transaction Value + Rp. 2500
    • Paypal: 2.9% of Transaction Value + Rp. 4500
    • OVO: 1.67% of Transaction Value*
    • ShopeePay: 2% of Transaction Value*
    • Convenience Store (AlfaMart, Indomaret): Rp. 5000
    • ATM Bersama: Rp. 3000
    • BNI Virtual Account: Rp. 3000
    • Mandiri Virtual Account: Rp. 4000
    • Permata Virtual Account: Rp. 3000
    • CIMB Virtual Account: Rp. 3000
    • Maybank Virtual Account: Rp. 3000
    • BCA Virtual Account: Rp. 4400
    • Qris: 0.78% of Transaction Value*
    • *Transaction Value is the Product Price + Shipping Fee
  4. Payment is considered settled if the amount received by Sabda Literasi Palu matches the amount to be paid as stated in the Order Form. The Buyer is expected to promptly confirm payment through the “Payment Confirmation” feature available on the Sabda Literasi Palu website or contact us via the chat feature.
  5. Sabda Literasi Palu is not responsible for delays or issues in the transfer process between banks, ATM issues, credit or debit card rejections, or problems with the OVO and/or ShopeePay payment systems. In such cases, the Buyer may contact the bank or the credit card or payment service provider.
  6. Sabda Literasi Palu is not responsible for any negligence by the Buyer in writing the name and account number for payment to Sabda Literasi Palu or the transfer information, nor for any negligence on the part of the bank during the Buyer’s payment process.
  7. For COD payments, the Buyer will pay in cash the amount stated in the Order Form directly to the delivery service officer at the time of receiving the Order.

E. Buyer Protection Period

  1. Upon receiving the Order, the Buyer must immediately inspect the condition of the Product and ensure the accuracy, quantity, and quality of the received Product.
  2. If the received order does not match, please contact the Seller directly through the chat feature for further resolution according to the contact provided on the website.

F. Complaint Submission

We always inspect and ensure the quality and quantity of the Products match the Order Form approved by the Buyer before shipment. However, if the Buyer has any complaints regarding production defects, damaged products, expiration, or Products not matching the Order Form, the Buyer can submit a complaint through the chat feature, and we will be happy to assist with the issue.

G. Dispute Resolution

  1. Any disputes or disagreements arising in connection with these Terms and Conditions, the Agreement, or the legal relationship between the Buyer and Sabda Literasi Palu will first be resolved through deliberation.
  2. If a resolution through deliberation cannot be reached, the parties agree to settle the dispute or disagreement in the District Court in the jurisdiction of the defendant.

H. Applicable Law

These Terms and Conditions, the Agreement, the legal relationship between the Buyer and Sabda Literasi Palu, and all legal consequences arising in connection with the use of the Sabda Literasi Palu website and transactions on Sabda Literasi Palu are governed and interpreted according to the laws of the Republic of Indonesia.

I. Customer Service

Sabda Literasi Palu is always committed to providing the best service to its customers. If customers encounter any issues with the use of the Sabda Literasi Palu website, have questions, comments, or suggestions, they can contact us through the chat feature or email.

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